As a pilot you can log flights with any aircraft which:
- You have registered on My Flights
- Is part of the fleet of an Operator you are associated with by membership
To log a flight, navigate to your Cockpit > Log Flight.
The Date of Flight field is by default pre-populated with the current date.
Aircraft: Select the Aircraft from the drop down menu. This will prepopulate the From field with the destination of the last flight on the folio, or the Operator's base airport. It will also prepopulate Hobb and Tach start values with the last end values from the folio. This avoids you having to repeat capturing these values again and makes logging more efficient.
Crew: You only have to select your role on the flight. The default role is PIC. Then select any other crew role on your flight. If your crew member is also a member of the aircraft's Operator organization, you can select the crew member from the drop down list. The flight will then automatically be logged for your crew member at the same time.
In case your crew member is not a member of the aircraft Operator, then capture the details in the field labelled "Other name". The preferred format for this field is Initial, Surname, License number, e.g. F. Surname - 0272123456.
Flight details: The From field is automatically prepopulated from the last folio entry. The "route or remarks" field is the flight details field on your logbook. It will be captured as follows: From-route or remarks-To.
For example, a flight from FAWB to FQMA with a stop at FAKN would be captured as follows: From = FAWB, To=FQMA, Route or remarks=FAKN. This will reflect in your logbook as FAWB-FAKN-FQMA.
Flight Folio: Hobb and Tach start are automatically prepopulated from the last folio entry and the flight and tach time is calculated by the app. You only capture the end readings as you read them from the aircraft instrument.
Defects: The Defect field is a free text field where you can capture any defect or snag. Capture each individual defect or snag on a separate line using the Add button.
Complete any other fields as you are used to from your manual logging. Then click on Save to log the record. Once confirmed by the application you are good to go.