You can opt to carry over only your previous grand totals. To do so, leave the "Aircraft designator" field blank.
You can then enter your grand totals for each logbook section, i.e. Instrument, Instructor, FSTD time, Single and Multi engine aircraft. Simply click on the relevant section heading to open the entry form.
Clicking the heading button again will collapse the form to make capturing easy, in particular when working on your smart phone.
Simple logbook totals are not included in your Flight Bag's Logbook Summary and are also not included in your flight hours by type stats.
If you have captured your logbook totals before the upgrade to version Vilan 1.2.4, then your logbook totals are only captured as simple logbook totals. You can at any time break them down into detailed logbook totals for inclusion in your Logbook Summary and flight stats.
Detailed logbook totals
Since version Vilan 1.2.4 you can capture your previous logbook totals for each aircraft type, including FNPT for your simulator hours.
Select the designator of the aircraft type in the drop down list and then capture the totals for that type under each logbook section, i.e. Instrument, Instructor, FSTD time, Single and Multi engine aircraft. Simply click on the relevant section heading to open the entry form. Clicking the heading button again will collapse the form.
To add additional aircraft types, click on the Plus button to create a new entry card.
If the aircraft designator field is left blank the hours captured under the card will not be included in your Logbook Summary and your flight hours by type stats. They are however included in your pdf Logbooks, automated 90 day logbooks and your flight hours by role stats.
Logbook Summary
The Logbook Summary under your Cockpit > Flight Bag card is generated based on the time period you select. Totals are then computed for the specified time period only.
For any time period starting from a day on or after your first flight is logged on My Flights your captured historic totals are excluded from the summary. If you select a start date prior to the first flight logged on My Flights, the historic totals will be included in the summary.
If you leave the from date field blank, the historic totals will be included in your summary and this will be indicated in the title as "from before" the date of your first flight recorded on My Flights.
You can only generate a Logbook Summary from your Flight Bag card after you have logged at least 1 flight on My Flights.
Flight Stats
Your flight stats under the Cockpit > My Flights card include your carried over historic logbook totals as follows.
Simple and Detailed logbook totals are included in the flight hours by role stats.
Only Detailed logbook totals are included in the flight hours by type stats.
Note that the grand totals of flight hours by role and flight hours by type differ by the FSTD Actual time you have captured, as FSTD time is not captured by role, e.g. PIC, Dual, Co-pilot etc.
Historic logbook totals are not carried over into your online logbook. The online logbook consists of flights logged on My Flights only.
Your pdf Logbook as well as your automated 90 day archive logbooks will however always include your carried over totals.