Access your Flight bag via your Cockpit > Flight Bag card.
This section allows you to generate a Flight folio pdf document for a selected aircraft. You can also limit the flight folio file to a selected date range.
The folio header information is retrieved from your Maintenance schedule. In the event no values are displayed, navigate to your Cockpit > Maintenance and create a maintenance event for the upcoming inspection of your aircraft. The header details should then appear on your flight folio document.
You can also upload scanned copies of your other flight bag documents, such as Certificates of Airworthiness, Release to Service etc. To do so, select the relevant aircraft from the dropdown menu and click on the 'Generate' button.
On the next screen you can enter the Document description and select a file for upload. The document will then be stored in your cloud storage and will be available to your pilots for their electronic flight bags.
To access a stored document on the cloud storage, click on the file name in the document list.
To delete a document from the flight bag, click on 'Delete' in the Action column.