Flight bag

Flight bag

You can generate your flight bag documents with My Flights or retrieve them on demand. Navigate to your Cockpit > Flight Bag to access your flight bag documents.

At present you can generate the following documents:
  1. Your entire logbook or your logbook for a selected date range
  2. Your logbook summary with totals or a summary for a selected date range
  3. The flight folio for a selected aircraft, either in full or for a selected date range
  4. Aircraft documents such as Certificates of Airworthiness, Release to Service, Radio certificates etc. provided by the Operator
If your flight folio has missing information in the header section, please contact the aircraft operator to complete the details in the aircraft details card, and to setup the next service inspection under the Maintenance card.
In case the aircraft documents are incomplete for your requirements, please contact the Operator to add them under the Flight Bag card.

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